Organization to Organism
Malachi, the last Book in the Old Testament, is a transitional book going from the “Old Testament” to the “New Testament”. This was a transition from walking according to the “Law”, — to now walking in a whole new application called “Grace”, a grace that came with a new covenant, a new priesthood, and a whole new way of moving forward.
Now in 2025, like in the times of Malachi, we in North America are in a dire need to transition over. A transition of walking away from the present day saturation of religiousness, — to where we transition back to being powerful born again living Temples as to Gods original design. Temples filled and directed by the Holy Spirit. Temples that have partnered up with Kingdom of heaven while dwelling in the midst of an earthly kingdom. Temples that are tending to the Fathers business only.
What we have now is a compromised living temple that has flatlined the masses with a powerless and distorted gospel that misrepresents what Jesus originally intended, — fueled with a ministry that compromises the Ministry of Jesus, and compromises how the Kingdom actually functions here on earth.
Where, like in the Book of Malachi, — a separation is now needed to help us transition out of the influences of a reorganized, repackaged, institutionalism, that is trying to work its way into the very remnant that God is establishing today, — a much needed transition that will send us back into that Holy Spirit walk that comes with incredible life, a walk that will re-establish and re-create a movement within the gospel.
I now see a present day "Malachi Shift" sitting in the balance waiting to transition many off that “Inside the ORGANIZATIONAL box way of thinking”, — into something that has more of an “Outside of the box ORGANISM way of thinking”. A transition giving full access to this later day season where they can demonstrate the greater ministry as the Kingdom of heaven is unleashed before them with a cloud by day and fire by night expression.
So the question now is, — can this transitional book of "Malachi” be a source of reference for the much needed present day transition? Can it speak into the new season that awaits us, as the season of the "Open Door of 2024" now ushers us into the expressive season where we walk in the greater anointing as true "Kings and Priests of 2025".
Exploring Malachi
Maybe “Malachi” is worth exploring because this present day remnant misalignment, has re-fabricated another false charismatic christianity model, an illusion where many have difficulty seeing beyond the fine tuned manipulation. What the spirit of religiousness has constructed is a kingdom matrix that is a perfect spiritual replica of the real deal, — tough for many to discern.
A perfect counterfeit that has blinded even the elect of today, where many who are called to be part of the last day’s remnant, are also being affected and misdirected. And because of the massive saturation of the religious delusion, God now plans to extract a remnant that presently resides within the remnant.
Entrenched, many who are called, are unable to see beyond the veil of lies, beyond the charismatic manipulation, beyond the charismatic prophetic witchcraft, and beyond the misleading direction of charismatic worship. Being comforted in the misdirect, this massive group has been conditioned through the indoctrination, distorting their true identities, their true beliefs, and the power that comes with it.
Comfortably sitting in the compromise, it looks like we may need another parting of the Red Sea, — this time it would be the parting of the red sea of religious blood that has flooded the land. This parting will allow the true remnant to walk out of all that is false. Again God is establishing a transition from the old re-fabricated distorted standard into the newly expressive standard, extracting a remnant that has not compromised, from a remnant that has continually compromised.
The Transition
In the book of "Malachi”, God says He loves Jacob, and has set aside Esau because of his disregard for his birthright. Prior to the “Land of Esau” being established, it was originally known as the “Land of the Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites and Canaanites”. Later on, that land was rename as the “Land of Edom”, known today as the “Land of Jordan”.
Esau ended up marrying Canaanite women, which was totally against Gods expansion plans for a covenant people that He was planning to establish. Later on the Canaanites became part of the Babylonian Empire. And when the Babylonians were conquered, they became part of the Persian Empire, and the bloodline of Esau has bleed into all those Empires.
When marrying foreign women, Esau now has a generational history that extends into the Roman Empire. Looking at the history of Esau, one learns that the disregarding of a birthright can turn one into being one of the biggest opposers of God as it steers a lineage in a direction that was never meant to be, which is happening right now with a divided remnant.
Jacob and Esau were twins. Esau came out of the womb first, and being the elder, he now holds the birthright. Esau ends up selling his birthright, which now transitions over to his younger brother Jacob. Isaac, father of the twins, and with the help of Rebecca his wife, he now gives the firstborn, birthright blessing, to Jacob. The twins, who were once united, now walk in completely different paths as one is blessed, while the other opposes the one who is blessed.
And this was the blessing that Isaac gave to Jacob:
“ May the Lord give you of the dew of the heavens and the fatness of the earth and an abundance of corn and wine. Nations shall serve you and kingdoms shall bow down to you; you shall be a master over your brothers, and your mother's sons shall bow down to you. Those who curse you shall be cursed, and those who bless you shall be blessed ! ”
The Covenant of God, and the establishing of His people, now follow Jacob. Jacob married a number of wives and ends up with 12 sons, who eventually become the 12 Tribes of Israel. After wrestling with an angel, Jacob has his name change to Israel. With his new name, — Israel eventually becomes the nation of Israel.
Esau, continues to spiral and becomes part of the Canaanite Nation where his bloodline eventually ends up with roots landing in Rome. Esau was also known as the “People of the Red”. History shows that the Canaanite flag was Red, the Phoenicians Flag was Red, the Babylonian Flag was Red, and Rome’s Flag was Red, to where one of the original Roman Catholic Flags was Red. Thousands of years later the “People of the Red” continue to expand to this day.
Esau mixing the blood with foreign wives, only added to the “People of the Red”, which adds to the red sea of religious blood that continues to expand even today, as it now flows into the remnant camp. The very Red Sea of today that God is now needing to part, — an extraction that will clear the way for a remnant movement to walk in its fullness during this latter day season.
The Compromise
1) Jacob is a picture of a remnant in these last days that carry the true gospel message with a true servants heart, as it was always intended to be. In “Malachi” it says that Jacob was the chosen one of God, and that Israel was a picture of true servant-hood. With Jacob elevated to now being Israel, Gods business is now being handled Gods way.
2) And when bringing that Esau message closer to home with regards to the last days remnant, many have compromised where a fresh separation is needed between a remnant who have been proven to be trustworthy enough to walk in the greater ministries, — verses a remnant who are now exploiting the remnant movement for their own gain.
The adversary’s plan is to compromise this last days remnant with a double mindedness, a double standard, where being dumbed down in the compromise they blindly walk in a powerless distortion, minimizing accountability, restricting unity for the sake of control, where separation and divisiveness continues to have its false humble ways, — all done in the name of Jesus as they comfortably sit back and watch it all fall apart as they soak themselves with entertainment worship and feelgood prophetic.
3) Esau is a picture of the rising religious structure that has replaced its firstborn position from a relationship was always meant to be. In the same manner, Israel being the firstborn, also refused its birthright by disregarding the message of Jesus and the Messiah that comes with it.
4) Edom is a picture of the religious structures that presently oppose the Fathers business. It represents a region, a territory, a religion, that is now saturated with a counterfeit gospel. Like Esau, the mixing of cultures is something that God hates and opposes.
5) Land of the Red is a territory that has shed much blood, creating a red sea of religiousness, a red sea that now needs to be parted, allowing the uncompromised remnant to walk into the greatest season ever.
6) Esau’s DNA identifies him as a hunter, and this religious spirit behind the red sea of religious people will always hunt the anointed ones. Constantly wanting to conquer, manipulate, and redirect. The Lord is now putting a halt to everything they have built. The Lords indignation is now against them, where in judgment, He will now carve out a way for a true remnant to walk in the greater release.
7) Israel was Gods chosen people, a people of birthright, who have refused the Son of God, refused their Messiah, — who have now handed that birthright to the Gentile Nations. Israel, being a chosen people, decided to marry into the Pharisee, Sadducee, and Sanhedrin system that caused them to turn down their birthright.
8) Gentiles, — having the birthright handed over to them, now move forward creating hundreds of religions, and thousands of denominations, only to add to “The People of Red”. With the ever expanding red sea of religiousness, — they now hand their birthright over to todays remnant.
9) Remnant, a latter day group who have been handed down a birthright, are part of a Sonship company, a last days generation of people, called to finish off the good race till the Lord returns.
Psalm 22:30-31 speaks of this coming forth generation. “A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. A generation, a Sonship company, a chosen generation, a peculiar people called out of darkness and into His marvelous light, as mentioned in 1st Peter 2:9. A Sonship company that has been growing for over two thousand years. This latter day remnant group of today is the tail end of that generation.
But what we now have in 2025, is a remnant that has compromised itself as they fall into their own agendas. So now within the remnant, we have an Esau / Jacob movement where on one side, we have a remnant that is blindly selling out, while on the other side, there is a Sonship group, not willing to compromise, maximizing themselves as they now go the distance with the Fathers business only.
The Posers
Imposters and Posers have now spread themselves throughout the rising remnant. These are the very ones who have convinced themselves that they are the chosen and anointed ones. Presently, In the midst of our religious environments, we have home group remnant leaders walking with the same controlling leadership that we had in our corporate settings prior to Covid. Many are the posers that now walk under the banner of small group leadership who are now controlling the worship, controlling the prophetic, blindly building meeting places that continually hit the ceiling and to never go beyond.
Hitting the ceiling and hitting the deck, they now pull out the prophetic defibrillator to jump start it all over again, fueling it with a worship that brings it back up to the ceiling, but never allowing Holy Spirit to release the much needed intel to help people break through the ceiling and set them free from all the strongholds. The lack of knowledge within the groups, along with the immature calling themselves mature, only adds to the disarray as the gatherings continue to move up and down, never walking in complete freedom.
Having that entertainment worship backed up with the feel good prophetic, all fueled with mans interpretation of the gospel, — is not going to cut it for a group that needs to start moving above and beyond. Trapped in the 2024 version of a religious hamster wheel, they continue to run with their restricted and limited identity, — all because of controlling leaders who are totally blinded by their own character flaws as they now pick and choose on when to be accountable. And so the controlling spirit behind the counterfeit continues to expand the land with the red sea of religiousness blood.
What we now have in our midst is a counterfeit remnant, where one part of that remnant is stuck with that inside the box “FAMILIAR Way of Thinking”, — verses the other part whose thinking has that outside the box “UNFAMILIAR Way of Thinking”, unfamiliar because everyday is a whole new Holy Spirit experience for them. They are now journeying on having an adventure, taking care of the Fathers Business. Again it’s that “ORGANIZATIONAL Way of Thinking” verses the “LIVING ORGANISM Way of Thinking”.
The compromised is an extension of what was never meant to be; the uncompromised is an extension of what was always meant to be. The compromised has a form of busyness that hinders them from walking in their fullness; the uncompromised is busy taking care of the Fathers business that anoints them to walk in their fullness. The compromised walk where they pick and choose as they personalize their ministries; the uncompromised is a Sonship remnant group that is fully engaged with the Kingdom of heaven, having serious boots on the ground, walking with healings, miracles, signs, and wonders. This is a chosen remnant group being anointed to serve, becoming the ultimate servants filled with divine revelation.
And so today a remnant within a remnant is being extracted to move on, and a remnant within a remnant is being cut off. One part of that remnant will head deeper into the captivity of their minds, as they become entrenched with their own agenda, — verses a remnant that is walking in the fullness of expressing the heart of the Father, as they take care of the Fathers business. In the year 2025, the line will be drawn and the entrenched will become more entrenched, while the expressive will become more expressive.
Malachi ends with a reference of the coming Spirit of Elijah. A fore-running Spirit recognizing the Spirit of Jesus, and the Ministry of Jesus. Where the Spirit of Elijah must now decrease so that the Ministry of Jesus might increase. And so it is today, the Spirit of Jesus and His Ministry needs to always be on the increase. It needs to be front and center, and it needs to increase daily. The anointing for the last days remnant will be for the releasing of the Jesus Ministry on levels that we have not seen in the past, — and those walking in that anointing will model the true character of Jesus as they tend to the Fathers business only.
EkklesiaRising.com / JesusMinistries.ca