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MysteryStooges 4


Mark 4:13-20 - The Sower       

          As Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom with power, — so are we to demonstrate it in the same manner.  All his parables speak of our need to realign ourselves with that demonstration of Kingdom power!  So lets unpackage one of those parables with todays understanding and see where it leads us.

          Some seed fell on hard ground         Because of the hardness of life, hardness of heart, where we find ourselves pounding on that same old harden road, the freedom of Kingdom expression never really has a chance to get us to that place of freedom where we are totally set free.  Choosing to stay on this hard road is not going to take us where we need to be and so our freedoms get snatched away, as well as our true identity and any calling that God may have on our lives.  Today, many have fallen to the wayside.  Many have crashed and many are presently walking in a distraction that has completely usurped them.

          Some seed fell on rocky soil              So like the young guns, they go off half-cocked and before you know it, — it all goes sideways!  When you wave your gun, — well that’ll create all kinds of problems as those around you start waving their guns.  When true character is lacking, darkness now distorts those Kingdom of Heaven demonstrations that are trying to land.  And when it all goes sideways the whole thing turns into a dumpster fire. Instead of freedom, darkness prevails even more because the needed roots to keep it all grounded are not there.  Every attempt to move forward either gets blown apart or it dies on the spot.

          Some seed fell on the weeds            What’s happening here is that we accept the message of salvation but not necessarily the power of salvation.  Like weeds, we let stress, sickness, debt, and other inflictions consume us as we allow ourselves to be restricted, constricted and conflicted while pressing into those things that WE THINK we need to do, and those things WE THINK we need to get.  This stranglehold of not believing that the Kingdom of Heaven can set us free will only choke us at the end while we get caught up in our busyness.  Today, many are fading away because of pursuing the American dream.  Many are walking in a false identity.  Many have lost focus and are suffering from the many stress related disorders that are out there.

          Some seed fell on good ground        But the seed planted in good ground represents those who hear the word, embrace it, and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams!  Why?  Because the Kingdom of Heaven brought amazing freedom both personally and corporately, setting them free from the consuming darkness.  When walking in faith, allowing wisdom and understanding to have its way, will produce that abundant life.  Jesus in them now glorifies the Father with amazing Kingdom expression.  The cloud by day and fire by night expression now goes off the charts as the crop yields way beyond what we could ever think or imagine!


EkklesiaRising.com  /  JesusMinistries.ca

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