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Boots DefiningEkklesia


As It Was Meant To Be


Ekklesia was a Way of Life back in the Day. 

It was community, a gathering of people who were on the move, expanding the borders of a Kingdom with a revelation of how it was always meant to be.   Jesus came to set everything in motion; a reality that was established in Heaven, — now needs to be part of our present day life.  Ekklesia is all about us thinking outside the box as we expand the Kingdom.

Somehow we have programmatically fallen into a belief system that is far from the real deal.   With up to 80% of the body leaving the church, years prior to COVID, according to North American stats, shows us that there clearly was a huge disconnect between where church was going, and where the people were at.  On top of the 80%, ­— were the sons and daughters who became casualties in a crossfire of a spiritual war that went bad.  That is why it is important we get into an alignment with the original Jesus model of Ekklesia.  Polishing up what we have will not allow us to go the distance in these latter days.

While viewing the religious theater we have embraced the lies.   The collective distractions will not allow us to see past the smoke and mirrors to view the religious elephant that is standing in the room.  This dysfunction has caused many to totally come out of sync.  We need to realign ourselves!

Those that continue to bury their heads in the sand will only add to the power structure distraction where the counterfeit is allowed to arise with a false narrative branded to look like the official narrative.   It really is about teamwork.  Loving one another, serving one another, listening to one another, and honoring one another.   Teamwork, — I really need to emphasize that!  It’s all about going down the harvest field together.

We have failed so bad in our relationships, and based on what is happening all around, — a home group type gathering is probably where we need to be heading.   The Kingdom of Heaven plans to partner up with that model.  Heaven awaits for us to make that move!  It’s all about releasing teams.  Jesus empowered that model, Holy Spirit plans to empower that very same thing today.  And prophetic ministry will play a vital part in getting Ekklesia to where it needs to be going, — to get those needed Kingdom results.  It really is about entering into that upper room experience that allows the results to pour out into the streets.


Jesus Releases Ekklesia During those Road Trips

Ekklesia: to the Greeks it meant “assemble”, to the Hebrews it meant “gathering”, but to Jesus, based on His example, He meant it to be “a gathering on the move”.  (Thy Kingdom on the move on earth here as it is in Heaven)

Based on what Jesus released while traveling from place to place, based on all that was witnessed during those journeys, based on all that was being testified and based on all the signs and wonders that followed, Jesus was demonstrating and releasing Ekklesia, — a gathering, a movement, a Kingdom government, with Kingdom authority, setting the captives free. In other words, Jesus came to expand His Father’s House, having full authority, backed by the angelic, fueled by the Holy Spirit, and with a ton of prophetic Intel, He came to process the very things that were on the heart of His Father.

All that Jesus was modeling was not in a static form, but in more of a fluid form.   This Kingdom, this house, this authority was totally mobile, and because the model was designed to be far reaching, — He made it highly transferable!  And now the baton has been passed to us.  As Jesus modeled a functioning apostolic, the disciples learned first-hand on what that ministry should look like while travelling from place to place.  The Five-Fold ministry was being carved in them as the completed model in Jesus became their constant witness.

As the Good Shepherd Jesus demonstrated the Pastoral.   As one who is the Spirit of Prophecy, He demonstrated the Prophetic.  As one who was healing and teaching, He  demonstrated power Evangelism.  And when it came to the woman at the well, He demonstrated the true Apostolic model as the town made a complete turn around.  Notice that every model that He exemplified was on the move.  As one who is defined as  'The Lord of the Sabbath', — It seemed that the Sabbath Rest was continually on the move!  To rest and move with Him was all part of the new ministry model.

According to the model that Jesus demonstrated, it always was about Kingdom ministry.   It is this very  'World within a world'  that Jesus demonstrated that we need to be walking in.  If it is a lost language or a lost art, then we need to engage with it once again.  For if we truly are about to engage in a whole new playing field, we need to let the process have its way in us so that we can move in the mighty realms of  'Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven'  (Mathew 6:10).

The autocratic way needs to make room for Ekklesia.  We need to start working as a unit, in one accord, interconnected, everyone contributing, as we go down the field together.   It’s no different than a hockey team or a football team, or any other team that’s trying to work the grid.  For any team that is pounding the grid, there are usually operating systems in place ( guidelines ) to help create movement so that the whole unit can enter into its destiny.


.So for Ekklesia what would that Look Like?

If the Kingdom of Heaven functions under a Heavenly operating system, and the animal kingdom functions on its own operating system, then Ekklesia, in fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer,  ' Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven ', must also have an operating system to keep it in balance as Holy Spirit, men, and angels function together!

So What does 'Boots To The Ground' under Ekklesia look like?  Where do we Start?

Philippians 2:1-4

" Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, having the same love, being of one accord, and of one mind.  Let nothing be done through selfish ambition, strife, or vain deceit, but with an attitude of humility being neither arrogant nor self-righteous, regard others as more important than yourselves.   Do not only search out only your interests, but search out the interest of others also."

1 Corinthians 14:26

" Let’s summarize.  When you meet, one will sing, another will teach, another will share of some special revelation that God has given, one will speak in tongues, and another will interpret what is said.  But everything that is done is designed to strengthen all of you."

Romans 12:3-8

" Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.  For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.  Having then gifts and ministries differing . . . according to the grace that has been given to us, let us all use them."

1 Corinthians 12:7-11

" A spiritual gift is given to each of us so that we can help one another.  To one person the Spirit gives the ability for wise council; to another the same Spirit gives special knowledge.  To another great faith, and to someone else the gift of healing.  He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy.  He gives someone else the ability to discern a message from the Spirit of God, another person is given the ability to speak in unknown language, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said."



EkklesiaRising.com / JesusMinistries.ca