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JESUS - There is No Mistaking His Identity

The claims of Jesus are clear and explicit; all has been confirmed, —  “I am the bread of life,”  “I am the light of the world,”  “I am the door,”  “I am the good shepherd,”  “I am the resurrection,”  “I am the Son of God,”  “I am the truth, life, and way,”  Jesus is claiming titles that are rightfully His, — Son, Savior, Shepherd, Sustainer, over 200 to be exact!  He clearly demonstrated that He is able to Conquer Death, Forgive Sin, Save the Soul, and Satisfy the Heart forever more!  For this Jesus, and who He claims to be, has become our Way of Life, our Peace, our Righteousness, our Holiness, and our Road of Prophetic Ministry and Revelation.

The Word of God expresses the Son and the Son expresses the Word.  The Truth reveals the Son, and the Son reveals the Truth.  The Scriptures interpret the Son, and the Son interprets the Scriptures.  Wisdom unveils the Son, and the Son unveils Wisdom.  The Father declares the Son and the Son declares the Father.  There is no mistaking His Identity.  When it comes to Salvation you cannot ignore Him.  If you’re searching for Reconciliation, Sanctification or Redemption, to omit Him would be ridiculous, for He is the only completed way to the Father.  He is the Total Package!

Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man comes to the Father, but by Me.”, and in Acts 4:12 Peter says, “Neither is there Salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”  So if there is only one way, then the basis of all ministry really needs to be steering us not only individually but also corporately into that one way.  He is not only the Way, but He is also the Chief Cornerstone, the Foundation, the Builder, — and as a matter of fact He is the One who has already Empowered it.

Jesus has truly manifested and continues to manifest Himself to us in so many different ways.  He is a Lion, and He is also a Lamb.  He came as the Prince of Peace.  He is the Rock, the Alpha and Omega, the Good Shepherd, the Bright and Morning Star, and Door of the Sheep.  He is a Greater than Solomon, the Unspotted Lamb, the True Light, the Word of God, the Vanquisher, the Wisdom of God, and Wonderful Counselor.  He’s the King of the Jews, the King of Israel, the King of Righteousness, the King of the Ages, the King of Heaven, the King of Glory, the King of Kings, and He is the Lord of Lords, and the list goes on and on, — over 200 to be exact.  He supplies Strength for the Weak.  He Guards and Guides.  He Heals the Sick, Cleanses the Lepers, Forgives Sinners, Discharges Debtors, Delivers the Captives, Defends the Feeble, Blesses the Young, Serves the Unfortunate, regards the Aged, Rewards the Diligent, and Beautifies the Meek.  He is the Key of Knowledge, the Wellspring of Wisdom, the Doorway of Deliverance, the Pathway of Peace, the Roadway of Righteousness, the Highway of Holiness, and the Gateway of Glory.

Look at how Jesus is portrayed in the Gospels!  In Matthew, Jesus is the King revealed!  In Mark, He is portrayed as the redeeming One!  In Luke, He is pictured as the Reconciler, and in John, He is proclaimed as a Regenerator, — one who makes all things new!  When you think of all those titles, — Revealer, Redeemer, Reconciler and Regenerator, it really sounds like the qualities that all ministry needs to flow out of.  For any ministry to have the needed power and longevity for the season that we are about to enter, we need to start aligning ourselves.  Everything we are, everything we say, and any ministry Jesus invites us into, needs to line up with these same qualities!  So if He is The Model, then we need to be going in that very direction that has been laid out for us, for a powerful sacrifice was made to clear the way.  When analyzing it all, it’s easy to see that Jesus is the central figure in everything that we are about to enter into!  If that be true, then everything He did was an example for us.

John 12:32 says. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me.”  Now if He is drawing people unto Himself then we just need to make ourselves available to His plans.  Pulling out the ministry props is what will get us into trouble.  We just need to be available and move in that one direction.  Also, if He is the living Word that became flesh, and dwelt amongst us, who is now seated in heaven, then we, as family members, must become living conduits of that Word.

This means that if we engage in any position, particularly within the Five-Fold Ekklesia Ministry, we need to accept the tremendous responsibility when handling and landing what it is that He has called us to do.  When delivered, — our service to others needs to bear fruit.  It needs to be presented and served like 'Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver'.  Most importantly, if it is on behalf of the King, it needs to have that Redeeming quality that He Himself walks in, never forgetting that any Redemptive package needs to be fully armed with love, — an unconditional Redeeming love!


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