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Jesus and the Kingdom


Gospel of Jesus

The Ekklesia Model, and the Ministry Model that Jesus exemplified, will automatically lead us into a Set Free Environment, giving us the complete ability to walk away from all those things that have continually plagued us, — that’s a given!   The Gospel of Jesus and the Gospel of the Kingdom, where we enter into the freedoms that God has for us all go hand in hand!  This thing called freedom, and how we enter into that freedom, was always part of our original DNA that our heavenly Father had intended for us.  It’s the power component that backs up the written, — the very power that was meant to flow naturally in our spiritual walk.

When tapping into this day-to-day reality, we automatically engage with the Ministry of Jesus as it now begins to move everything forward.  God is always on the move as he continually sets people free.  Darkness trashes, Jesus restores, — which is the very reason why He came.  This power ministry is all part of our born again expression, both personally and corporately, — it’s who we are!  It was part of the adoption package!

Jesus Model Transferable

Holy Spirit came to testify of Jesus, to empower us and steer us into a ministry that Jesus powerfully exemplified to His disciples, — a way of life that was designed to be transferable right from the get-go.  This Kingdom movement was made available, and completely accessible, the very moment we were filled with the Holy Spirit!  Holy Spirit not only brings us the presence of God, but He also came to weaponize us for Kingdom purposes (2 Corinthians 10:4).   It’s all part of Holy Spirits portfolio, — to release us into what Jesus exemplified!   To walk as He walked!  As the power of the Holy Spirit was upon Jesus, ­— that same power, that same Holy Spirit, is now available for us today!

The very ‘Gospel of Jesus' (Mark 1:1) will automatically lead us into the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ (Matthew 4:17-23, Mark 1:14-15, Luke 4:43).   The ‘Gospel of Jesus’ covers salvation and the power behind salvation.   The ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ covers the unleashing of the Fathers Kingdom that Jesus released during his 3.5 years of ministry.   The Mnistry of Jesus included a Powerful Kingdom that is second to none.  Again, the two are one!

Saddle Up with the Kingdom

Every parable and every message Jesus preached clearly defined our need to saddle up with the Kingdom of Heaven.  Somehow, — that powerful component of our DNA escaped us because our expression of the gospel today is nothing close to those early day expressions.  It was their expression, their demonstrations, and their ongoing testimonies that caused their part of the known world to radically change.

If we DO NOT allow the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ to be a very real part of our lives, then HOW CAN WE WALK in the destinies that Holy Spirit has for us today?  Our training in the Holy Spirit includes the Kingdom, — as it was with the early disciples, so it is with us today.  This Kingdom is the very training ground, the very place of refining, and the actual battlefield / harvestfield that we are called to enter into.  We truly need to saddle up and let the adventure have its way with us!  Without it, — we will walk in a religious environment of a powerless gospel, cleverly crafted by the adversary to weaken us as a people.  Our message of salvation needs to include the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’, the ‘Power of the Kingdom’.  It was always meant to be a 'Gospel with Power'.

Freedoms that Belong to Us

When we press into the Kingdom we are actually petitioning for a greater freedom that rightfully belongs to us.  We are appealing, interceding, and prophesying for that freedom.  Where darkness prevails, this powerful freedom triumphs so much more as the Kingdom of Heaven now lands as to our petitions.  We need to allow Holy Spirit to set us free and let that freedom increase as he empowers us to walk away from all those things that not only hinder us, but also from those familiar things that have so easily captivated us.  We need to stock up the tool crib, equip ourselves, and saddle up for the journey ahead.

Ephesians 6:10-12, 2nd Corinthians 10:3-6, Luke 9:1, Corinthians 10:3-4, Colossians 2:15-17, Mark 16:17, Acts 1:8, Luke 10:19, Philippians 1:28, Matthew 16:18b-19, Isaiah 61:1, Philippians 4:9, John 8:36, Acts 2:17

“ For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  Our strength is to walk in the Spirit!  We need be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  We need to put on the whole armor of God, that we may be able to stand against the evil schemes of the adversary, his minions, and his followers.  Our war is against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness that have positioned themselves in high places. ”

“ When Holy Spirit came upon us, we, by design, were to step out and become those very witnesses where signs and wonders do follow us.  In that powerful name of Jesus, we have been commissioned to cast out demons and the gates of hell will not prevail for Jesus himself has placed the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven in our very hands.  What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. ”

“ Those keys, and the authority that comes with it, were designed to help us move forward, — and in no way are we to be terrified by the adversary or his schemes.  Our steadfast faith, starring in the face of opposition, are all clear signs that will rattle him and his minions to the core.  Jesus already made a public spectacle of them as He triumphed over them the day he walked out of the grave.  He totally disarmed their powers and messed up their devises.  He has now given us open access to demonstrate his Fathers Kingdom as he himself has demonstrated. He has given us power and authority over the demonic activities that would war against us. “

Jesus clearly defines that what we have read regarding him in the gospels, — are the very things that we ourselves need to be doing.  Because of what he accomplished on the cross, — we have now been graced with a salvation, a dominion, and an authority to preach the good news.   The baton has been passed and he stated that the Kingdom of God now dwells in us, upon us, and all around us, and that we need to engage with that Kingdom, unleash the Kingdom, and walk in the freedoms that have now been given to us as we dismantle the darkness that stands before us.


Parable of the Sower - Mark 4:13-20

MysteryStooges 3

As Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom with power, so are we to demonstrate it in the same manner.  All his parables speak of our need to realign ourselves with that demonstration of Kingdom power!  So lets unpackage the mystery of one of those parables with todays understanding and see where it leads us.

Some seed fell on Hard Ground    Because of the hardness of life, hardness of heart, where we find ourselves pounding on that same old harden road, the freedom of Kingdom expression never really has a chance to get us to that place of freedom where we are totally set free.  Choosing to stay on this hard road is not going to take us where we need to be and so our freedoms get snatched away, as well as our true identity and any calling that God may have on our lives.  Today, many have fallen to the wayside. Many have crashed and many are presently walking in a distraction that has completely usurped them.

Some seed fell on Rocky Soil   So like the young guns, they go off half-cocked and before you know it, — it all goes sideways!  When you wave your gun, — well that’ll create all kinds of problems as those around you start waving their guns.  When true character is lacking, darkness now distorts those Kingdom of Heaven demonstrations that are trying to land.  And when it all goes sideways the whole thing turns into a dumpster fire.  Instead of freedom, darkness prevails even more because the needed roots to keep it all grounded are not there.  Every attempt to move forward either gets blown apart or it dies on the spot.

Some seed fell on Weeds    What’s happening here is that we accept the message of salvation but not necessarily the power of salvation.  Like weeds, we let stress, sickness, debt, and other inflictions consume us as we allow ourselves to be restricted, constricted and conflicted while pressing into those things that WE THINK need to do, and those things WE THINK we need to get.  This stranglehold of not believing that the Kingdom of Heaven can set us free will only choke us at the end while in the midst of our busyness.  Today, many are fading away because of pursuing the American dream.  Many are walking in a false identity.  Many have lost focus and are suffering from the many stress related disorders that are out there.

Some seed fell on Good Ground    But the seed planted in good ground represents those who hear the word, embrace it, and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams!  Why?  Because the Kingdom of Heaven brought amazing freedom both personally and corporately, setting them free from the consuming darkness.  When walking in faith, allowing wisdom and understanding to have its way, will produce that abundant life.  Jesus in them now glorifies the Father with amazing Kingdom expression.  The cloud by day and fire by night expression now goes off the charts as the crop yields way beyond what we could ever think or imagine!


With the New Season at hand, it really is time to  'Saddle Up' and walk in the fullness of what has been so freely given to us.  The ‘Gospel of Jesus’ along with the maturing process that comes with the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ steers us into that fullness.  The whole process, if we choose to engage, comes with tremendous freedom, — not only for us, but those around us!

John 8:36   Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!


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