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Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

Mary’s mother originated from the tribe of “Levi”.  Joseph, who adopted Jesus into his family came from the tribe of “Judah”.  Jesus, through the adoption process, now has a bloodline that comes from both the “Tribe of the Kings” and from the “Tribe of the Priests”.  Out of all the twelve tribes of Israel, Jesus comes from the two most significant tribes that represent both “Kingship”, and “Priesthood”.  You now toss in our Heavenly Fathers DNA, along with the dynamics of the Kingdom of Heaven, and what you have lying in that manger is a manifestation of a majestic and priestly bloodline whose power is second to none.

Jesus’ bloodline includes names like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Names like King David and King Solomon.  Jesus now comes with titles that brand him as “King of kings”, “Lord of lords”, along with being “The Great High Priest”.  It was the shedding of this bloodline that signed our adoption papers engrafting us into this powerful genealogy through the Fathers adoption process.  We now become part of the King and Priest Family as we, through adoption, inherit all that the Father has for us.  A Father who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscience.

Now when we look at the opposing bloodline that stands across the battlefield and it is amazing how dark that bloodline is.  The originality of that bloodline came from the fallen ones.  Those fallen angels who took on human form and impregnated many of the women here on earth, creating a whole new corrupt hybrid form of humans called demi-gods, goddesses, and the nephilim.

Semyazza, Ramiel, Azazel

You now have a bloodline whose names include Semyazza, Ramiel, Azazel and Batariel of the fallen ones. Names like Hercules, Horus, Zeus, of the demi-gods.  Names like King Gilgamesh and King of Ogg from the nephilim race. Names like Nimrod who built the Tower of Babel.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the names that all played a big part in launching this corrupt bloodline.  And you throw in Lucifer, known as Satan, the master manipulator and master of destruction, and you now have a fueled bloodline that has created all that is evil.  A weaponized bloodline strategizing in moral decay, deception, destruction, and the shedding of blood.

The DNA of this bloodline is a destabilizing structured force that continues to sabotage, disrupt, and corrupt as it undermines, creating all kinds of chaos.  The unrighteous puppet masters behind this bloodline oppose anything that has the smell of righteous blood.  Having written the book on deceptive warfare, this bloodline, and all those influenced by this bloodline, now go after the human mind and soul with the full intentions of derailing the human race.  Satan, having lived out the bible from front to back, now engages with battle plans that allow him to fill his trophy case with even some of Gods elect. He knows that most of us are still playing checkers in the game of chess, — and so the slaughter continues as he completes his assignments and carves out his future.

We were never designed to know evil. We were never designed to live in a fallen world.  We were designed to walk in all the goodness that God had for us.  The adversary knows that our covering has been blown, which is the very reason why Jesus came, — to re-establish that covering and make a way for us in our fallen state.

The adversary loves it when we, without the proper intel, get all occupied in his staged battles.  When in fact we should be looking at the harvestfield instead of the battlefield as to what it is that the Father is doing in our midst.  It’s only when those pieces that restrict us on harvest field that we engage in the battlefield.  To go beyond that, we end up playing checkers once again.

Bloodline vs Bloodline

The Born Again bloodline of walking in the Spirit was engineered to restore, to unify, and to gather what has been scattered.  With Jesus bringing the Kingdom here on earth, — makes the impossible now possible.  This bloodline was designed so that we become living temples for the indwelling Spirit of God, as we overcomer all that is evil.  Becoming one, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one.  To walk fully empowered as adopted Sons and Daughters, having that commanded voice from the Father that gives continuance to the restoration process.  ( Note:  In the Trinity, the 3 are 1, but in every 1 includes the 3. — Jesus said that when you see me, you see the Father. And during His 3.5 years of ministry Jesus walked in the Spirit of God.)

The corrupt bloodline walks in a deception, a destruction, and a divisiveness, weaponized to separate and scatter.  To steer us into fear and manipulate us through those demonic principalities that have been passed down to organizations like Freemasonry, the Illuminati, with all its Secret Societies steering this whole Luciferianism towards Communism, Socialism, and Globalism .  With its corrupt governments and bankers, they are now closing in on a one world government, a one world intelligence, and a one world religion, including Media, and Science, all weaponized for mass destruction.  Now with all the systems working together, the voice of the antichrist speaks loud and clear as it unleashes global tension, and global persecution.

And there lie the two bloodlines, — one being good and the other being evil.  Both bloodlines walk with an invisible force that is more powerful than the visible.  The one is designed to bring the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth; the other is to compromise us into all that is dark.  One is walking in the Holy Spirit; the other comes with a demonic intelligence.  The one walks in the occult, the paranormal, and the demonic; the other walks in the supernatural and the angelic.  The one has been demonically weaponized; the other comes with a Holy Spirit operating system.  The one restricts our freedom; the other has us walking in the fullness of our freedom.  One destroys; the other creates.

Thy Kingdom Come

Being enslaved in all the world systems, is one of the many reasons why Jesus made the Kingdom a priority.  “ Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven! ”  The whole idea was to break those strongholds that stand in the way of the Fathers business.  To be free, to be restored, and to be living temples once again.  Darkness may have its designated places here on earth, but when it stands in front of the Fathers business, — that’s when the surprises of God show up and everything gets rearranged.

The landing of the Kingdom was to help prepare the Bride and create Kingdom movement as it gathers what has been scattered.  Jesus was on the move taking care of the Fathers business, and so do we need to be on the move and take care of the Fathers business.  We need to focus on what the Kingdom of Heaven can do for us in the harvest field, instead of focusing on what the kingdom of darkness has done to us on the battlefield.

The adversary’s strategy is for us to get busy with our organizations knowing that it will derail us from being the living organism that we were originally designed to be.  The adversary wants us to war according to his battle plans where we focus on the physical and mental realms, along with the distorted religious realms, — when we should be focusing on those harvest plans, and the Spiritual realms that’ll give us the needed results while harvesting the fields.  This born again Jesus generational bloodline ( being the 42nd Generation / the True Bride of Christ ) now needs to walk in her true identity, fully empowered, clothed with the ability to do what is right, as it takes care of the Fathers business only.  And the initial part of that identity is to fully embrace Jesus.

Fighting The Good Fight

So the question now stands before us is:  How do we fight the good fight and actually win because today the spiritual body count is massive here in North America as the religious spirit, fueled by this destructive bloodline, rages on at the highest levels ever.

Jesus released the Holy Spirit upon his disciples so that they can expand the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth as in accordance to what the Father is doing.  They were to take care of the Fathers business no different than how Jesus was taking care of the Fathers business.  Jesus set the model on how to take care of the Fathers business here on earth, as it is in heaven, — the disciples now need to run with it.

According to Jesus it was all about the Kingdom of Heaven and our need to be born again.  In the gospel of John, Jesus mentions the need to be born again.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, but that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.  Jesus also mentions that except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

When becoming born again, filled in the Spirit, we now get to see the Kingdom of God.  We become living breathing temples filled with the presence of God.  Jesus showing up was to solidify the transition where the presence of God that once dwelt in Solomon’s Temple, now transitions over to where we become living breathing born again temples as to Gods originally design back in the garden.

So for the disciples to see the Kingdom, and release the Kingdom, they had to be born again in the Spirit.  John the Baptist, while water baptizing, testified that He who believes in the Son of God has everlasting life.  So the reality of being born again, and receiving everlasting life, was already established during Jesus’ 3.5 years of ministry.

Jesus preached, saying, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”  John the Baptist preached saying, “I baptize you with water for repentance”, — and many were water baptized as they confessed their sins.  During Jesus’ time, John the Baptist was water baptizing and so were the disciples of Jesus also water baptizing.  So the ministry of repentance and water baptism, was also a very active part of the Jesus ministry, — and so was the receiving of everlasting life an active part.

The Activation Process

So were the disciples of Jesus born again?  Were they baptized?  Were they filled with the Spirit of God?  And were they fully engaging with the Kingdom of Heaven during Jesus’ time here on earth, and did they receive everlasting life?  Absolutely!  Jesus was the total package when it came to demonstrating his Fathers Kingdom, when it came to being born again, when it came to repentance and water baptism, and when it came to receiving everlasting life.  The total package of the Fathers intentions for mankind had boots on the ground during the 3.5 years of Jesus’ ministry.  It was that very model that was passed on to the disciples.

With the completed model before them, the disciples evolved into apostles as they engaged with the fullness of the gospel, exemplifying the very ministry that Jesus demonstrated and taught.  The Jesus ministry was now a model that was carved in stone.  And it was upon that rock, that model that was carved out in their midst, that the church was to be built upon.  But an interesting fact about that completed model, that rock of revelation, — is that the Crucifixion hasn’t taken place yet.  The completed model was set in motion, but the Crucifixion still needed to happen.

Obviously, in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we see a gathering as it was meant to be, where the Spirit of God was able to work through a group with minimal amount of hindrances.  And when that gathering was mobilized, it automatically engaged with the Kingdom of Heaven.  What we witnessed in the four gospels is an early gathering running on all cylinders, a ministry model functioning to capacity during Jesus’ 3.5 years of ministry.  But not long after Jesus' departure, the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit fell upon those in the upper-room who were already filled in the Spirit.  And being empowered even more, they began to speak in a heavenly tongue, and in other languages.

For the born again believer, it is this Kingdom that now dwells within them, as it resides all around them.  A Kingdom that awaits to be demonstrated.  A Kingdom that awaits to engage in the restoration process.  When making movement according to the Fathers business, the Kingdom will automatically be activated for us.  That is a given if you are born again and Spirit filled.  Its all part of the born again DNA experience when walking in the Spirit.

The 5-Fold Exemplified

The Apostolic Ministry as described in the book of Ephesians ( Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher ) was birthed out of the Ministry of Jesus, ignited by the Fathers Kingdom, and fueled by the Holy Spirit, through a servanthood that was humbly exemplified by Jesus, who set the tone for the early ( born again ) church model.  The very model where Jesus himself demonstrated that if you want to be the greatest, — then you need to be the greatest servant of all.

To Jesus, the Kingdom of Heaven was a priority.  And it was the 5-Fold Ministry, as to its original apostolic Jesus design that gave the early church the mobility to go the distance. What Jesus modeled, — was designed to be the working model until He returns.  Jesus, filled in the Spirit, demonstrated the fruits of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, which was passed on to his disciples.  Everything about the gifts and the fruits exemplify the true character of Jesus, a character that needs to be a part of anything we walk in today.

Being the APOSTOLIC sent one, — Jesus now initiates and activates the apostolic model by TEACHING first about the Kingdom of Heaven and how vital the Kingdom is in our walk. Upon establishing His twelve disciples while releasing the Kingdom, He now demonstrates what the PASTORIAL model looks like.  Not long after He sends them out in two’s to EVANGELIZE as He equips them with the PROPHETIC ( the Spirit of Prophecy ) which gives supernatural direction and strategy, something that is vital for us today if we plan to take care of the Fathers business the Fathers way.

While walking out the 5-Fold, being familiarized with all the ministries, is where the disciples evolved into apostles, who are now able to steer the whole movement into taking care of the Fathers business only, — as the Spirit of Prophecy now plays a major part in the direction of all those ministries.

The APOSTLE, who by design, is now able to see the bigger picture, and like a conductor of an orchestra, he now understands how the blending of ministries function, giving him the ability to guide the 5-fold Ministry as to its original intentions, — as it strategically engages in the harvest field.  Not everyone is called to be an Apostle but when the different ministries work together, that in itself can release an apostolic movement.

Jesus, the Bridegroom, activated His ministry and fully released His Ministry to His Bride, the Ekklesia.  And according to John the Apostle, — the Bride, the Ekklesia, now has everything she needs to make herself ready.  So why the Cross, and the Shedding of Blood?  Well that’s a very good question seeing that the completed model has already been activated.

The Cross & The Shedding of Blood

The Cross, and the Shedding of Blood became the legal transaction needed to lift the curse.  Without the shedding of blood there is no permanent forgiveness.  The Cross, and the shedding of blood, was the legal tender needed to permanently seal Salvation. With the shedding of blood, the power of death has been slain. Jesus now opens the door and clears the way for forgiveness until He returns. Upon His return, — that door is then closed. 

Redemption, reconciliation and restoration now have legal right until His return.  Jesus being the Fathers signet ring now stamps out our adoption papers that allow us to demonstrate all that the Fathers house has to offer through the ministry that Jesus laid out.  Jesus understood the power of adoption for He Himself was adopted by His stepfather Joseph into the lineage of King David, along with the recognition of royalty that came with it.  Kingdom authority came when Jesus first appeared and that Kingdom will continue to have its authority until He returns.

Jesus, in the Four Gospels set a model that now allows us to go the distance with overcoming power.  Fueled by the Holy Spirit, the Book of Acts became a testimony of that functioning model, and the power of adoption. The letters from the Apostles define that model even more, and now its up to us to give continuation to that ministry model.

Jesus set the model, Holy Spirit ignited it, and Heavenly Father is totally behind it.  We just need to engage with it and trash all the misaligned models that we have been so accustomed too.  In the realignment we will once again be empowered, — but this time we will go the distance.

To unpackage that model even more, click on any of the four banners for additional information.







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