NewLevel 14


The Kingdom - 2025            

We are not only in a season where the powers of the age are at hand, but we are also at the beginning stages for the multiple-powers of the age to completely manifest. 

Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor has man even imagined what God has planned for those that love him, for the manifestation of the Kingdom is seriously upon us and we need to start walking at this level.   According to heaven, we are at the tail end of the end times, and the later glory of His house will be greater than the former house!  We are going to be the catalyst for the final move of God.  How blessed it is for us who are called to be a part of these last days.  God’s purpose for us is that we are not only born for a time such as this, but that we become active participants in the final display of His glory! 

We are at that final resting place where we need to preach the gospel and let it follow with healing the sick.   That the Kingdom of God is not only preached in word, but that it should follow with the power to heal, the power to restore; for this is our banqueting table of a power that is available unto our salvation!  It really is the continuation of the book of Acts.  It is this very world within a world that Jesus demonstrated; him being the doorway of a hidden Kingdom that is about to unleash on many levels during these last days.

Jesus Releases the Kingdom

When Jesus released the original Ekklesia, He gave two commands!  Preach the gospel of the Kingdom!  And heal the sick!   And for us today, that flaming lion of Judah that has been prophetically spoken, — is about to kick these two doors wide open; lining up what looks like the lost language of Ekklesia, with the Five-Fold as originally intended.  The latter being greater than the former!  It will be the perfect storm and we are invited into the action!  It will be a double anointing and a double portion for the nameless, faceless and the selfless!  The Holy Spirit will come like a tempest and those rushing winds will come from the North, South, East and West, — a powerful message of Salvation backed by a powerful Kingdom!

Your desert training for all these years has shaped you for a time such as this, and if you don’t step into the job that you have been trained for, God will raise someone else to handle the job.   So connect with that remnant wherever He directs you and flow with the Ekklesia that He surrounds you with.  You have been chosen and you have a job!  -  It’s time to engage!

This remnant was never meant to be that big mystery, — but for most that’s exactly what it has become!   But for the remnant, those who have always prepared their time with the Lamb of God, this is where the mystery dwells.  It is these very ones that have sat around his campfire that He will make known the mysteries of the Kingdom.  He is preparing his fires for these last days and He has prepared himself a bride, forged in the fires of the Holy Spirit, ready to engage with the upcoming events.  They have prepared themselves to be doing only what the Father is doing.  Nothing more, nothing less!

Mysteries of the Kingdom

He will now feed this Remnant the mysteries of the Kingdom that they may understand the hidden things.  The scrolls will be opened and that is a given!  Our purpose, our call, and our position, in these last days, and for those who are willing, is to receive from the angelic host who are waiting to unfold Kingdom events upon a prepared remnant.  A remnant who have been assigned to unleash the Kingdom that is many times greater than the book of Acts!  Men and angels working together!

His angels are going to back these assignments that are upon those scrolls, and He has prepared our feet to walk in the daily manna that is needed to walk out these scrolls.  Angels have been prepared to walk out the ways of God, and they have aligned themselves with us! Now the Lord stands at the door and knocks with marching orders for you.  So have you prepared yourself ?   For the Kingdom is about to be unleashed like never before, creating paradigm shifts, rattling cultures with signs and wonders!

It will be a powerful time, and this remnant, this bride, the redeemed of the Lord, will also become a refuge, a city not forsaken! It will be a safe haven and she will be sought out!   For when you are filled with His glory you will be sought out!  Those coming out from the world and those coming out of the wilderness will search her out.  This remnant will become a refuge for many!  So when you have personally lined yourself up, and corporately tweaked yourself in accordance to the Kingdom of God, they will come and you will be sought out!

Habitation on the Move

A wall of fire will surround those habitations. The presence of angels along with the hidden manna will be present for he is establishing your daily intake!   The well is full and fear will be removed, there will be incredible love in the camp, and power will cause the weak to be strong.  No weapon formed will prosper against them, they will now walk with their supernatural abilities.  Their DNA will change more into the Lords DNA and like an eagle; He will renew their strength so that we may soar above all those challenging circumstances.

This habitation, this dwelling place will be constantly on the move as it goes from glory to glory.  This movement is Holy Spirit led and Angelically protected.   Our God is on the move and the baton is being passed to the last days runner.  This last runner needs to be led by the ark of His presence with the ability to connect with Jesus on all levels.

This last day ministry needs to be a Kingdom based ministry as Jesus defined it and it needs to be one of honor.   We truly need to honor one another and watch out for our brothers and sisters!  We need to be doing the Fathers business the Fathers way!  Where we are going is a whole new place, we have never walked this way before, never!  For He is doing a whole new thing in our midst!  And as we walk in alignment to the Kingdom of heaven, He will guide us, He will guard us and He will watch over us as His Bride begins to arise during this incredible season!

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