5782 2022- 

In 2025 We Need to Walk in the Holy Spirit more on a Full Time Basis

This is the year that we truly need to bring it into alignment and take care of the Fathers Business like never before. We are either in sync or we are out of sync.  But in 2025 it is vital that we are totally in sync on how our Heavenly Father is wanting to take care of His Business.

Conviction and Functionality

Holy Spirit has been convicting us for years to do what is right according to how the Kingdom of Heaven functions, and how that Kingdom desires to move forward here on earth.  Heaven has an order, the Kingdom has an order, and there is also an order for a remnant that is about to be unleashed for the new year at hand.  It is these ones who have completely surrendered themselves to the Holy Spirit that will now play a part of being that outstretched hand of the Lord.  It is these ones that will now display the glory of God in 2025.

For the past few years heaven has gone to great lengths to try and get many back into alignment and into that much needed realignment.  With continual circumstances being fired one after another, the sculpturer has been busy carving away at our character to draw us back into that alignment.  Jesus has been knocking on the doors that have closed up our minds, and Holy Spirit has been trying break through the stubborn walls upon our hearts so that the glory of God may arise. 

Designed to be Vessels of His Glory

We were designed from the beginning of creation to display His glory and to be vessels of His glory.  And 2025 was clearly marked on Heavens Calendar to expand that glory.  This is the year that we need to bring it into alignment.  This is the year that a standard will arise as the glory of God begins to reveal itself on levels that many are totally unfamiliar with.  The first quarter of 2025 will be the starting gate for those who have surrendered themselves and are presently walking in huge levels of obedience.  It is vital that the rest of us follow suit into that alignment.

For the past few years Holy Spirit has been trying to redirect us out of our worldly perspectives and religious narratives and out of our busyness into something that is more Kingdom minded.  Those who have convinced themselves that they are in alignment without putting the Kingdom somewhere on the top of the to-do-list are only fooling themselves.  Distraction and noise still resides in the camp and it needs to be silenced along with a personal death of whatever selfishness is still kicking around.  

Worldview Perspective and Programming

Many have succumbed to that false worldview perspective and programming, along with a religious mindset, which is in total conflict on how Holy Spirit wants to direct us, influence us, and convict us into doing what is right.  When Holy Spirit steers us into doing what is right, He is steering us unto righteousness, which is the needed platform to help us all move forward.  Holy Spirits job is to get us saturated in that righteousness and to walk upright as we pull away from the global technocracy that has handcuffed so many.

Righteousness is part of the believers covering that comes with the garments of Salvation.  And this righteousness, this sanctification can be a bit of a process for some, — Holy Spirit knows that and the grace of God covers that.  Holy Spirit is now looking for those whose hearts and minds are willing to do what is right and go through the cleansing process bringing them into that much needed alignment.

Stubbornness Needs to End

The full measure of righteousness was graciously draped upon us on the day of our Salvation, but many have stained that garment of righteousness and have defiled that dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.  Our adversary is a dirty fighter and holds nothing back.  He is relentless and is determined to stain us and have us wade in all kinds of garbage.  When we give into our waywardness we give into his schemes, his strategies, and his ugly devices that steer us right back into doing things the wrong way, — that unrighteous way.

The days of walking in stubbornness needs to come to an end because the grace period for entertaining that stubbornness has been placed on a very very short leash.  2022 was design to bring our waywardness to an end as Holy Spirit placed His finger on the many issues that have hindered our freedom.  2023 was for us to bring ourselves more into alignment with Holy Spirit.  2024 exposed more of the false.

Obedience, Alignment and Destiny

For the New Year at hand, we are either onboard with the Lords plan or we are not!  We either walk in the true character of Jesus or we continue to walk in the compromise.  We either walk in a Kingdom that wants to totally surprise us or we fall deeper into those religious and worldly strongholds.  2025 is about taking everything that Holy Spirit has put his finger on, — and bringing it into alignment.

Obedience and alignment has everything to do with fulfilling a destiny,  going the distance with that destiny,  and powerfully walking in that destiny.  The 2025 alignment will bring a powerful new norm for those that are Spirit led and Kingdom minded.  They will become ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven.  They will become illuminated and anointed in the Holy Spirit because they have allowed the Holy Spirit to have his way in them.  He has filled them, refined them and defined them and is now directing them towards doing the Fathers Business, — signs, wonders and miracles will follow as they now alter the landscape before them. 


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